Issue #259   -   Past Critical Care Newsletter issues
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Baricitinib or Tocilizumab for Severe COVID-19 Treatment
Baricitinib or Tocilizumab for Severe COVID-19 Treatment
Pharmacologic treatment of COVID-19 has continued to evolve since the onset of the pandemic, and yet many questions remain about optimal treatment. Medicine strives to provide evidence-based guidance on treatments, but what... read more
Tags: airway, COVID-19, oxygenation, study, treatment, trial,
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Adults (Respiratory Medicine)
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Adults (Respiratory Medicine)
This new edition presents an evidence-based review of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for adults, with a particular focus on veno-venous (VV) ECMO. Due to the dramatic impact of COVID-19, the number of institutions... read more
Tags: book, cannulation, COVID-19, ECMO, mechanical ventilation, oxygenation,
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Early evaluation of heart rate variability can predict the outcome of patients in the ICU
Early evaluation of heart rate variability can predict the outcome of patients in the ICU
The study evaluated the use of heart rate variability (HRV) to predict the outcome of patients in the ICU. HRV is a way to evaluate the cardiac effects of the autonomic nervous system, and a relation between HRV and outcome... read more
Tags: cardiology, diagnosis, ICU, mechanical ventilation, study, treatment,
A Guide to Mechanical Circulatory Support: A Primer for Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Clinicians
A Guide to Mechanical Circulatory Support: A Primer for Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Clinicians
This unique book details a multidisciplinary approach for providers caring for the Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) patient. Authors discuss the history of MCS, patient selection, surgical and post-operative care, mobility... read more
Tags: book, ECMO, education, mechanical ventilation, mobility, oxygenation,
6 Days Higher-Dose Ivermectin vs. Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in COVID-19 Outpatients
6 Days Higher-Dose Ivermectin vs. Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in COVID-19 Outpatients
Among a largely vaccinated outpatient population with mild to moderate COVID-19, treatment with ivermectin, with a targeted maximum dose of 600 μg/kg daily for 6 days, compared with placebo was not shown to improve time... read more
Tags: COVID-19, recovery, study, treatment,
I Was a Doctor Through COVID. Then One Case Pushed Me Over the Edge
I Was a Doctor Through COVID. Then One Case Pushed Me Over the Edge
On some days I can almost forget that COVID ever happened. The old rhythms of the ICU at University College London, where I am a consultant in critical care and anesthesia, have returned. The bed pressures, the worrying cases,... read more
Tags: anesthesia, burnout, COVID-19, ICU,
Extracorporeal Life Support: The ELSO Red Book, 6th Edition
Extracorporeal Life Support: The ELSO Red Book, 6th Edition
Written by over two hundred experts from around the world, this new edition is the definitive reference text on Extracorporeal Life Support, providing both the latest evidence and practical advice on how to clinically manage... read more
Tags: anesthesia, book, cannulation, ECMO, infection, oxygenation, ultrasound,
Intracranial Pressure: Current Perspectives on Physiology and Monitoring
Intracranial Pressure: Current Perspectives on Physiology and Monitoring
Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is now viewed as integral to the clinical care of many life-threatening brain insults, such as severe traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and malignant stroke. It serves... read more
Tags: hemorrhage, hypertension, monitoring, TBI, technology, treatment,
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COVID-19 Critical and Intensive Care Medicine Essentials
COVID-19 Critical and Intensive Care Medicine Essentials
This book provides healthcare professionals in Critical Care setting an easy consultation guide to fight against COVID-19. The book is divided into sections: Fundamentals of COVID-19, Pneumological critical care, Neurological... read more
Tags: book, coagulation, COVID-19, hemostasis, mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy, pneumonia,
The effect of a multi-faceted quality improvement program on paramedic intubation success in the critical care transport environment
The effect of a multi-faceted quality improvement program on paramedic intubation success in the critical care transport environment
A multi-faceted advanced airway management (AAM) quality improvement program (QIP) resulted in statistically significant increase in intubation first pass success rates (FPS) rates and a non-significant improvement in DASH-1A... read more
Tags: hypotension, hypoxia, intubation, study, training,
A Young Doctor’s Perspective Was Forever Changed by ICU Experience
A Young Doctor’s Perspective Was Forever Changed by ICU Experience
A healthy 30-year-old doctor had an unexpected medical emergency while preparing for a procedure, which led to the discovery of a small hemorrhage in her dorsal brainstem. She was transferred to the neuro ICU and experienced... read more
Tags: hemorrhage, ICU, neurology,
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ECMO Retrieval Program Foundation
ECMO Retrieval Program Foundation
This book should represent a guideline for launching an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) program. It describes in detail particularities and special features of planning, setting up, developing, structuring and... read more
Tags: book, ECMO, ECPR, education, oxygenation, training,
Neuromonitoring in the Neonatal ECMO Patient
Neuromonitoring in the Neonatal ECMO Patient
Utilization of extraocorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has become increasingly widespread as a bridging therapy for neonates with severe, reversible respiratory or cardiac diseases. While significant risks remain, due... read more
Tags: ECMO, neonatal, neonates, neurology, oxygenation,

Every week we scour the web to bring you the latest podcast episodes related to ICU and Critical Care Medicine. Here are the latest podcasts:

Can we treat staph aureus bacteremias with oral antibiotics?
Oral antibiotics can be an option for gram negative bacteremias, but what’s the data for their use in treating staph aureus bacteremias? Listen to podcast

Body Water Regulation
In this episode, we discuss various mechanisms for body water regulation. Listen to podcast

Adverse Events and Mortality in the PICU
Elizabeth H. Mack, MD, MS, FCCM, is joined by Carin W. Verlaat, MD, to discuss adverse events in low-risk nonsurvivors compared with low-risk survivors and high-risk PICU survivors and nonsurvivors and the contribution of adverse events to mortality. Listen to podcast

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Adult Critical Care Procedures Course
Mar. 25, 2023 - Louisville, KY

This is a critical care procedures course to learn the essential techniques for intubations, central lines (including cordis and dialysis catheters), arterial lines, and chest tubes on adult patients.

Mayo Clinic Critical Care Review for the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant 2023
Mar. 31, 2023 - Jacksonville, FL

The course is comprised of lecture-based sessions covering essential acute care topics such as vasoactive support, ECMO, secondary trauma assessment, intracranial pressure, anticoagulant reversal, acute liver failure, toxicology, and more.

High Performance Resuscitation Teams
Apr. 13, 2023 - Minneapolis, MN

This course will review critical concepts and operationalize implementation practices for High Performance Resuscitation Teams. Attendees will explore how team members acquire, process and make information actionable, including strategies for effective communication, collaboration and cooperation.

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The Healer’s Power
The Healer’s Power
Although the physician’s use and misuse of power have been discussed in the social sciences and in literature, they have never been explored in medical ethics until now. In this book, Dr. Howard Brody argues that the...
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Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine
Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine
Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine is the only book that uses a practical, question-and-answer approach to address evidence-based decision making in palliative medicine. Dr. Nathan E. Goldstein and Dr. R. Sean...
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