Cardiogenic Shock – The Next Level & Mechanical Circulatory Support
We could center this discussion about the SCAI paper that came out (attached). A nice collaborative expert panel piece outlining a CS pyramid used quickly at the bedside in the ED, ICU, Cath Lab, etc to help us identify these patients and communicate how sick they are to quickly activate escalation of care.
It’s gaining traction and it’s way more useful for us in the ED and ICU than INTERMACS
What are the temporary MCS devices out there and when do you decide to use them?: We could talk through an example algorithm that we use at UW, and many other institutions have developed something similar (attached screen shots from my online textbook corECMO in development).
What is regionalized care for cardiogenic shock?: This is a super hot topic now, especially with rapidly expanding use of temporary MCS, and needing to rapidly transport patients to centers capable of implanting MCS.