AKI Epidemiology, Risk factors, and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients 16-25 Years of Age Treated in an Adult ICU
Using the KDIGO criteria for both serum creatinine and urine output to define acute kidney injury (AKI), 39.8% of patients between the ages of 16–25 met AKI criteria during admission to an adult tertiary care center, indicating that AKI is a common event in this patient group.
The diagnosis of AKI during hospital admission independently contributed toward increased hospital mortality, increased ICU mortality and increased mortality 90 days and 1 year after hospital discharge in the young adult patients.
Potentially modifiable risk factors for AKI were identified, most notably nephrotoxic medication exposure. Risk factors identified in this younger population varied from published data in older adults (> 75 years old).
After applying the exclusion criteria, 15,724 patients were included in the analysis.
The reference creatinine was determined from a documented baseline creatinine in 5,543 patients and estimated in 10,181 patients. AKI occurred in 8270 (52.6%) patients.