Life Following Pediatric Septic Shock
Margaret M. Parker, MD, MCCM, and Jerry J. Zimmerman, MD, PhD, FCCM, talk about the trajectory of long-term mortality and significant health-related quality of life disability among children encountering septic shock.
This discussion is based on two articles Dr. Zimmerman recently published in Critical Care Medicine, Critical Illness Factors Associated With Long-Term Mortality and Health-Related Quality of Life Morbidity Following Community-Acquired Pediatric Septic Shock and Trajectory of Mortality and Health-Related Quality of Life Morbidity Following Community-Acquired Pediatric Septic Shock.
Dr. Zimmerman is professor of pediatrics and anesthesiology and a faculty member and emeritus division chief of pediatric critical care medicine at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Harborview Medical Center, and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, Washington, USA. He has received research funding from National Institutes of Health, Immunexpress, and Seattle Children’s Research Institute, royalties from Elsevier Publishing as co-editor for Pediatric Critical Care, and travel reimbursement from SCCM.