Understanding Moral Injury
The Understanding Moral Injury video was put together by the LTLC-Critical Care programme. This is an HEE and NHSEI initiative aimed at supporting the cross-skilling of the London NHS workforce to manage existing and spikes in critical care as a result of COVID-19, and the longer-term permanent expansion of critical care capacity.
We have previously covered the concept of moral injury on the blog and podcast, largely in respect to the experience of managing patients with traumatic injury. In 2020 the concept has been used to describe some of the experiences clinicians are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Esther Murray is a well recognised expert in the field of moral injury in relation to healthcare and we are therefore delighted to bring you this video featuring her that explains why this such an important concept to understand at this time.
What I especially like in the video is that it does not simply describe moral injury but also talks about how it can be recognised in colleagues, how we might prevent it and what can be done when it occurs. It’s worth a few minutes of your time.
Understanding Moral Injury from Fish for Feet on Vimeo.