Neuropsychiatric Disorders and COVID-19
We read with interest the Article by Maxime Taquet and colleagues1 in The Lancet Psychiatry that evaluated a large population (n=236 379) for neurological and psychiatric complications of COVID-19 via analysis of diagnostic codes associated with electronic health notes.
The highest hazard ratios (HRs) reported were for myoneural junction or muscle disease (ICD-10 codes G70–73), with HR 5·28 (95% CI 3·71–7·53) after COVID-19 versus after influenza and 4·52 (3·65–5·59) after COVID-19 versus after other respiratory tract infection.
These striking findings received little discussion in the manuscript.
The incidences of specific disorders within this category were not reported and presumably were not available.
Some of our author group are involved in a project providing weekly syntheses of the neurological and psychiatric sequelae of COVID-19.