Prehospital FAST Reduces Admission Time and Treatment
The focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) exam is an established trauma care diagnostic procedure. Ultrasound performed during prehospital care can improve early treatment and management of the patients.
According to the experience of the principal investigators, CEX-p-FAST was superior to CEX-only. Despite the time needed for re-hospital FAST (p-FAST), the relevant admission time was significantly shorter. Thus, p-FAST is recommended in addition to CEX if possible for decision-making in prehospital trauma care.
CEX-p-FAST showed a high sensitivity (94.7%) and specificity (97.6%) in detection of free fluid compared to CEX-only (80.0%, 84.4%).
The median time to admission was reduced significantly by 13 min and to operative treatment by 15 min after CEX-p-FAST.