Acute Kidney Injury Related to Intoxication From Synthetic Cannabis
Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs infrequently in young patients and often raises concern for irreversible or deadly etiologies. However, AKI related to synthetic marijuana, colloquially known as K2, is an increasingly common phenomenon in the United States and resolves quickly with fluid resuscitation.
Here, we present a case of a young male who presented with severe AKI that initially raised concern for the need to start renal replacement therapy.
Laboratory testing revealed an elevated osmolar gap and negative urine drug screen, while urinalysis demonstrated acanthocytes, raising concern for toxic alcohol ingestion or vasculitis.
Following fluid resuscitation, his renal function improved dramatically, and he was discharged home within days of presentation.
K2-related AKI most frequently occurs in young men, mirroring the population that most frequently uses synthetic marijuana. Its exact etiology remains unknown, but direct nephrotoxicity appears to be the most plausible mechanism. No other known case has reported acanthocytes.
Although objective data indicates severe illness on presentation, patients often recover rapidly to baseline and often do not suffer long-term renal impairment following conservative management.