Spontaneous Breathing Trials Should Be Adapted for Each Patient According To The Critical Illness
link.springer.comUnassisted SBTs, namely PSV0PEEP0 and T-piece trial, are the most appropriate to replicate the postextubation effort to breathe.
In this multicentre randomized cross-over study, adult intensive care unit patients under invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24-h and ready for extubation, underwent three 15-min SBTs in random order: pressure support ventilation level of 7-cmH2O with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level of 0-cmH2O (PSV7PEEP0), PSV 0-cmH2O with PEEP 0-cmH2O (PSV0PEEP0) and T-piece trial.
Primary outcome was the variation of pressure–time-product per minute (PTPmin) between each SBT and 20-min after extubation.
Five categories of critical illnesses were selected: abdominal surgery, brain injury, chest trauma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and miscellaneous.