Emergency Department Intubation Success With Succinylcholine vs. Rocuronium
In this large observational series, there was no association between paralytic choice and first-pass rapid sequence intubation success or peri-intubation adverse events.
There were 2,275 rapid sequence intubations facilitated by succinylcholine and 1,800 by rocuronium.
Patients receiving succinylcholine were younger and more likely to undergo intubation with video laryngoscopy and by more experienced providers.
First-pass intubation success rate was 87.0% with succinylcholine versus 87.5% with rocuronium (adjusted odds ratio 0.9; 95% confidence interval 0.6 to 1.3).
We analyzed prospectively collected data from the National Emergency Airway Registry, a multicenter registry collecting data on all intubations performed in 22 EDs.
We included intubations of patients older than 14 years who received succinylcholine or rocuronium during 2016.