Sponsorship Opportunities

Why Sponsor our weekly Critical Care Newsletter?

Sponsoring the newsletter not only gets your company in front of many Critical Care Professionals, but it will also support us to continue the curation of the newsletter. As of January 2025, our newsletter has 20,000+ subscribers, approx. 30% open rate and 14% click rate for each issue, which is well above the average open rate for healthcare industry.

Our newsletter can help you:
– Generate leads for your sales team
– Tell your company’s story via content marketing
– Position your company as a leader on key critical care medicine topics
– Increase brand recognition through reach and repetition
– Target 20,000+ Critical Care Professionals

We search through numerous websites, blogs, social media, and news channels, to deliver the most essential Critical Care Medicine stories. Our content covers quality news, latest research, studies, tools, inspiration posts, videos, audio and more. See newsletter past issues.

Sponsorship Packages

Reservations for Critical Care Newsletter placement is on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are currently two sponsorships available per issue. All sponsorships must be paid for in full upfront and are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Sponsorships do not have to be consecutive, but all desired dates have to be identified at the time of purchase and approved by Critical Care News so we can lock in the dates.

Number of Issues Cost per Issue
1 issue $500/issue
4+ issues $450/issue

Sponsor Requirements

  • Banner: 600px × 80px (jpeg, gif or png)
  • Link to company website.
  • Content should be related to critical care medicine.
  • Please provide the payment and all the above requirements at least one week before your ad goes live.

Please use the payment form to pay the advertising fee using PayPal.

Contact us with any questions or to inquire about a sponsorship.

See Past Issues of Critical Care Newsletter