Tag: AHF
Dynamic Nomogram for AKI Prediction in ICU Patients with AHF
After strict screening, 1338 patients with acute heart failure (AHF) were included in the derivation set, and 3,129 in the validation set. Sepsis, use of human albumin, age, mechanical ventilation, aminoglycoside administration,... read more
High-flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen vs. NIV in AHF-related ARF
In this pilot study, we did not observe a statistically significant difference in changes in respiratory rate among patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) due to acute heart failure (AHF) and managed with high-flow... read more
Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices in Cardiogenic Shock and Acute Heart Failure
Randomized, controlled trials are utterly needed to guide treatment with mechanical circulatory support for patients with cardiogenic shock. Importantly, such trials should focus patient selection criteria. In recent years,... read more

Echocardiography and Lung Ultrasonography for the Assessment and Management of AHF
Echocardiography is increasingly recommended for the diagnosis and assessment of patients with severe cardiac disease, including acute heart failure (AHF). Echocardiography and LUS can assist in the rapid assessment of patients... read more

Organ Dysfunction, Injury and Failure in Acute Heart Failure
Managing patients with AHF remains a clinical challenge and current therapies have uncertain impacts on long-term morbidity and mortality. The use of therapies that prevent or reverse congestion-induced organ injury may represent... read more