Animal Viruses and Humans, a Narrow Divide: How Lethal Zoonotic Viruses Spill Over and Threaten Us
"To reproduce promiscuously and to wreak havoc wherever they can find a home," this is the sole raison d'ĂȘtre of viruses writes Dr. Warren Andiman, an HIV/AIDS researcher who has been on the front lines battling infectious... read more

Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic
The next big human pandemic, the next disease cataclysm, perhaps on the scale of AIDS or the 1918 influenza, is likely to be caused by a new virus coming to humans from wildlife. Experts call such an event "spillover"... read more

Early Identification of Patients at High Risk of Streptococcus-associated Necrotizing Infections
Two simple and available upon admission clinical predictors of group A streptococcus (GAS) documentation identified among a large cohort of surgically proven necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs). The results show... read more

Cook County ICU: 30 Years of Unforgettable Patients and Odd Cases
An inside look at one of the nation's most famous public hospitals, Cook County, as seen through the eyes of its longtime Director of Intensive Care, Dr. Cory Franklin. Readers will be riveted by stories of strange medical... read more

When Antibiotic Treatment Fails
What to do when antimicrobial treatment fails and when and how to define it? These are three very common questions arising when clinicians use antibiotics. Categorization of responders and non-responders early in the course... read more
First Year in Care Critical to Retention, HIV Suppression
A previous study showed that the rate of long-term mortality more than doubled when patients missed visits in the first year after diagnosis.... read more

A Simple Breath Test Can Spot Pneumonia And Lower Antibiotic Overuse
A simple test could be all physicians need to determine if they need to prescribe antibiotics.... read more