Tag: airways
High Flow Nasal Oxygen: A Rising Star Waiting To Be Discovered
High flow nasal oxygen therapy (HFNO2) is gaining popularity of late and rapidly recognised as new oxygen therapy in the treatment of respiratory failure, and the fame exploded exponentially after the COVID-19 pandemic. HFNO2... read more

Use of Supraglottic Airways During COVID-19 Pandemic
This document is produced in response to questions about the use of supraglottic airways (SGAs) during the current pandemic. The advice that it contains is based on the expert opinion of airway specialists and is meant to... read more

Bougies for all intubations led to high success rates, even on difficult airways
In a randomized trial, the routine use of bougies on every DL intubation led to a higher rate of first-pass intubation success. And even allowing for the two-step technique (bougie insertion followed by ET tube insertion),... read more

Airway Management Techniques during Massive Regurgitation, Emesis, or Bleeding
Friend to the show, Jim DuCanto has been obsessed with SALAD. Not the leafy greens delicately touched with a tart emulsion, but with Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy and Airway Decontamination (SALAD). Jim DuCanto, MD is an... read more

What Could be More Exciting than Combining Ultrasound and Airway?!
Recently you may have heard The Master of the Critical Care Universe, Scott Weingart put out an episode on The Post Intubation Package. In this episode he briefly mentions using ultrasound during your intubation and commented... read more
TAC on Computed Tomography and the Risk of COPD Progression
Total Airway Count (TAC) may reflect the airway-related disease changes that accumulate in the “quiet” zone in early/mild Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), indicating that TAC acquired with commercially available... read more

Intubation During CPR was Associated with Worse Survival and Brain Health
Intubating patients in cardiac arrest is widely considered ideal care. But in this analysis, the patients who were intubated were less likely to survive (16% vs 19%) or have a good functional outcome (~11% vs ~14%). Intubation... read more

Scoring System Predicts Difficult Airways in Obese Patients
As a result of the literature review, the researchers created a scoring system for independent predictors of a difficult airway in morbid obesity.... read more