Tag: albumin
Immune Cell-Based vs. Albumin-Based Ratios as Outcome Predictors in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
This study aimed to assess the prognostic value of an array of biomarkers regarding the likelihood of a lethal outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients. We took advantage of the opportunity to classify them into immune... read more
Increased Lactate Dehydrogenase to Albumin Ratio Associated with Short-term Mortality in Septic ICU Patients
Elevated lactate dehydrogenase to albumin ratio (LAR) was found to be significantly associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality at 28 and 90 days in septic patients. LAR was suggested to be promising biomarker... read more
Correlation of Serum Albumin Levels With the Severity of Sepsis Among ICU Patients
In the present study, serum albumin level was noted as a reliable predictor of sepsis severity in ICU patients. Lower serum albumin levels were associated with higher SOFA scores, indicating more severe sepsis. This study... read more
Human albumin solution for on-pump cardiac surgery: benefit or burden?
Deidentified individual participant data collected during the HAS FLAIR-II trial (and the data dictionary) will be shared beginning two years after article publication with no end date. These data will be available to... read more
Risk Factors for Mortality in Patients with Sepsis or Sepsis-associated Delirium Based on the MIMIC-IV Database
Research on the severity and prognosis of sepsis with or without progressive delirium is relatively insufficient. We constructed a prediction model of the risk factors for 28-day mortality in patients who developed sepsis... read more
Acute Kidney Injury in Postoperative Shock
Is hyperoncotic albumin administration an unrecognized resuscitation risk factor? The use of hyperoncotic albumin (HA) for shock resuscitation is controversial given concerns about its cost, effectiveness, and potential for... read more

Plasma Volume, Tissue Oedema, and the Steady-state Starling Principle
The Michel–Weinbaum steady-state Starling principle has important consequences for clinical practice. The hope that biophysical intravascular colloid therapy with albumin or plasma substitutes can deliver plasma volume... read more

Moving Albumin Into the Small Volume Resuscitation Era
Physicians have an intense 70-year history of enthusiasm, skepticism, fear, and reconciliation with albumin products since their market introduction in the late 1940s. Despite its cumbersome production method and costs, albumin... read more

Fluid Management in Cardiac Surgery
Perioperative fluid management in cardiac surgery patients may have changed in the last few years in European centers. Balanced crystalloids now seem to be the preferred solutions, followed by synthetic colloids (mainly gelatins)... read more

Simultaneous assessment of the synthesis rate and transcapillary escape rate of albumin in inflammation and surgery
Single measurements of the synthesis rate and/or transcapillary escape rate of albumin obviously cannot explain the plasma level of albumin or the changes seen in plasma albumin concentration.... read more