Sedation and Analgesia for the Pediatric Intensivist: A Clinical Guide

This book provides a comprehensive overview on sedation and analgesia for the pediatric intensivist. Divided into two primary sections, the text presents a framework on how to care for patients who need sedation, analgesia,... read more

Sedation and Analgesia for the Pediatric Intensivist: A Clinical Guide

Awareness Strategies and the Physiological Pain Impact in Prehospital Analgesia Management

Developing awareness strategies for prehospital pain management could improve analgesic outcomes, but further research is needed to understand the physiological impact of pain on vital systems. Investigating these dynamics... read more

Opioid Use in Critical Care: A Practical Guide

This book provides a concise yet comprehensive overview on the use of opioids in the ICU, offering practical, real-world recommendations on opioid utilization and alternative therapies. The text explains the physiology... read more

Opioid Use in Critical Care: A Practical Guide

Analgosedation and Delirium Practices in Critically Ill Patients

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the management of analgosedation was characterized by the predominant use of targeted protocols that favored priority on mild and dynamic sedation in critically ill patients. During the pandemic... read more

Weaning Sedation in Pediatric Intensive Care

The use of sedation and analgesia to provide comfort, safety, and pain treatment are central principles in the care of critically ill children. Most critically ill children are at risk of experiencing pain and discomfort... read more

Ketamine May Reduce Opioid Requirements Following Cardiac Surgery

Ketamine may be a reasonable choice for postoperative cardiac surgery analgesia and may reduce the need for opioids on discharge, and possibly during admission. This study is a single center, retrospective, observational,... read more

Intranasal Dexmedetomidine vs. Inhaled Nitrous Oxide for Pediatric Procedural Sedation and Analgesia

The results of this clinical trial support that IN DEX is not inferior to 50% nitrous oxide in providing analgesia for a painful procedure among children 3–15 years of age. Furthermore, IN DEX can be considered as an alternative... read more

Impact of a Rounding Checklist Implementation in the Trauma ICU on Clinical Outcomes

We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an intensive care unit (ICU) round checklist, FAST HUGS BID (Feeding, Analgesia, Sedation, Thromboembolic prophylaxis, Head-of-bed elevation, Ulcer prophylaxis, Glycemic control,... read more

Impact of a Rounding Checklist Implementation in the Trauma ICU on Clinical Outcomes

Scheduled Intravenous Opioids

Maintaining comfort and analgesia is fundamental to providing adequate care in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Pain assessment and its control remain the highest priorities and concerns among survivors of critical illness... read more

Scheduled Intravenous Opioids

Ciprofol Sedation Efficacy and Safety in Mechanical Ventilated ICU Patients

Ciprofol was well tolerated, with a noninferior sedation profile to propofol in Chinese ICU patients undergoing MV for a period of 6–24 hours. Of the 135 patients enrolled, 129 completed the study. The primary endpoint-sedation... read more

Ciprofol Sedation Efficacy and Safety in Mechanical Ventilated ICU Patients

Critical Care Sedation

This book provides a comprehensive guide to delivering analgesia and sedation to critically ill patients for professionals and caregivers being involved in the management of these patients. It discusses and explains in... read more

Critical Care Sedation

Assessing Movement-Evoked Pain

One of the most common and nuanced tasks that nurses perform is pain assessment, particularly in acute postoperative settings where frequent reassessments are needed. Most assessments are limited to obtaining a pain intensity... read more

Assessing Movement-Evoked Pain

Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia

Introducing the definitive resource designed for practitioners working in the rapidly expanding area of moderate procedural sedation and analgesia clinical practice. Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia: A Question... read more

Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia

Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Gastrostomy Tube Placement

Percutaneous ultrasound guided gastrostomy (PUG) is similar in terms of complications to percutaneous gastrostomy tube (PRG) placement and a safe method for gastrostomy tube placement in the critically ill with the added... read more

Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Gastrostomy Tube Placement

Sedation, Analgesia, and Paralysis in COVID-19 Patients in the Setting of Drug Shortages

The rapid spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to a global pandemic. The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) presents with a spectrum of symptoms ranging from mild to critical... read more

Sedation, Analgesia, and Paralysis in COVID-19 Patients in the Setting of Drug Shortages

Randomised controlled trials in pre-hospital trauma

This mapping review has highlighted that evidence from trials in prehospital trauma is sparse and where trials have been completed, the reporting is generally poor and study designs sub-optimal. There is a continued need,... read more

Randomised controlled trials in pre-hospital trauma

A Bad Sedation Package Leaves your Patient Trapped in a Nightmare

Pushing some ativan followed by vecuronium is no longer an acceptable strategy to manage post-intubation sedation. A good analgesia and sedation package is essential if you care about your patient's comfort and well-being.... read more

A Bad Sedation Package Leaves your Patient Trapped in a Nightmare

Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing

Learn how to successfully work with patients in pain with The Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing, 3rd Edition. Written by the American Society for Pain Management Nursing (the primary nursing organization in pain... read more

Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing

Changes in Anesthetic and Postoperative Sedation-Analgesia Practice Associated With Early Extubation Following Infant Cardiac Surgery

The implementation of an early extubation clinical practice guideline resulted in a reduction in the dose of opioids and benzodiazepines without a change in volatile anesthetic agent used in the operating room. Intraoperative... read more

Changes in Anesthetic and Postoperative Sedation-Analgesia Practice Associated With Early Extubation Following Infant Cardiac Surgery

Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU

Sedation and analgesia have high importance in patient-centered care. Patients in the ICU are seriously ill and often suffer from anxiety, agitation, and pain. There is sometimes a need to use deep and prolonged sedation,... read more

Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU

Sedation and Analgesia Impact On Long-term Cognitive Dysfunction in Critical Care Survivors

Deep sedation during stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) may have deleterious effects upon the clinical and cognitive outcomes of critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. Over the last decade a vast... read more

Sedation and Analgesia Impact On Long-term Cognitive Dysfunction in Critical Care Survivors

Dexmedetomidine Use in Critically-Ill Children with Acute Respiratory Failure

Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Mary Jo C. Grant, APRN, PhD, about the article, "Dexmedetomidine Use in Critically-Ill Children with Acute Respiratory Failure," published in the December 2016 issue of Pediatric... read more