ARDS vs. PseudoARDS – Failure of the Berlin Definition
True ARDS might be defined as a histological diagnosis involving diffuse alveolar damage throughout the lungs (characterized by hyaline membrane formation and thickening of the alveolar walls). PseudoARDS refers to patients... read more

Prevention and Treatment of ALI with Time-controlled Adaptive Ventilation
Neither the current lung protect and rest nor open lung approach (OLA) ventilation strategies have been effective at reducing VILI and ARDS-related mortality below that in the ARMA study. For a protective ventilation strategy... read more

Driving Pressure in Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: a fool’s errand?
In this post I will briefly explain and critique their mathematical approach, propose a simpler equation for estimating PEEPi in APRV [based on far fewer physiological assumptions] and finally reaffirm why, in my opinion,... read more

Early Application of APRV May Reduce the Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS
Compared with LTV, early application of airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) in patients with ARDS improved oxygenation and respiratory system compliance, decreased Pplat and reduced the duration of both mechanical... read more