Potassium Homoeostasis and Pathophysiology of Hyperkalaemia

Since determination of potassium levels may be afflicted with various errors, potassium levels should be determined using a standardized set-up ensuring high accuracy and precision of measurements. Potassium levels may be... read more

Potassium Homoeostasis and Pathophysiology of Hyperkalaemia

RRT Board Exam: Dominate the Hemodynamic and ECG Portion of the Respiratory Therapy Board Exam

Our RRT Board exam series helps you study smarter, not harder. Instead of giving you information overload, we focus solely on the most recent NBRC TMC and clinical simulation exam matrix. Start feeling more confident and... read more

RRT Board Exam: Dominate the Hemodynamic and ECG Portion of the Respiratory Therapy Board Exam

Continuous EEG Monitoring Remains Underused in Critically Ill

A retrospective cross-sectional study found that despite the fact that continuing electroencephalography (cEEG) use was associated with lower in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients, cEEG is underutilized. Experts... read more

Continuous EEG Monitoring Remains Underused in Critically Ill

When Does an Effusion Become Pericardial Tamponade?

Pericardial tamponade occurs when fluid within the pericardial sac impairs filling of the right-sided chambers, leading to a decrease in cardiac output and hemodynamic compromise. It is neither a clinical nor an echocardiographic... read more

Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine

American College of Emergency Physicians regularly publishes Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine to keep emergency medicine professionals up to date on relevant clinical issues. Build your clinical arsenal with Critical... read more

Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine

No Electrodes, No Problems

This is what Emmanuel had to say about his innovation: “There are times in the emergency department (ED) when there are no electrodes available to place patient on a monitor. In resource limited settings like Ghana, it... read more

No Electrodes, No Problems

ECG Accuracy Raised by Placement of Electrode Patch

A single-use patch that ensures the uniform placement of electrocardiogram (ECG) leads cuts down on inaccuracies and saves time. A new study to evaluate CQP placement found a significant difference between the minimum time... read more

ECG Accuracy Raised by Placement of Electrode Patch