Abdominal Sepsis: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Recently released, Abdominal Sepsis examines in detail the topic of sepsis, with a focus on intra-abdominal sepsis. Particular attention is devoted to source control in the management of the infection, antimicrobial therapy... read more

Abdominal Sepsis: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Positive End-expiratory Pressure and Mechanical Power

Less than 7 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure reduced atelectrauma encountered at zero end-expiratory pressure. Above a defined power threshold, sustained positive end-expiratory pressure contributed to potentially... read more

Positive End-expiratory Pressure and Mechanical Power

When Does an Effusion Become Pericardial Tamponade?

Pericardial tamponade occurs when fluid within the pericardial sac impairs filling of the right-sided chambers, leading to a decrease in cardiac output and hemodynamic compromise. It is neither a clinical nor an echocardiographic... read more

Hemodynamic Consequences of Severe Lactic Acidosis in Shock States

Deleterious hemodynamic effects of severe lactic acidosis are largely suggested by experimental data, although not fully confirmed by human studies. Pending the effectiveness of an etiological treatment, there is no efficient... read more

Hemodynamic Consequences of Severe Lactic Acidosis in Shock States

Natriuretic Peptides: A Role in Early Septic Acute Kidney Injury?

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication of critical illness and is associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and financial cost. Sepsis is the leading association of acute kidney injury in the intensive... read more

Natriuretic Peptides: A Role in Early Septic Acute Kidney Injury?

Technology in the ICU, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America

Dr. Wung is addressing an important component of critical care nursing: the role of technology in patient care. She has assembled top authors to provide current clinical information in the following areas: Sensory overload... read more

Technology in the ICU, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America

Effect of Decompressive Laparotomy on Organ Function in Patients with Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

Decompressive laparotomy has been advised as potential treatment for abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) when medical management fails; yet, the effect on parameters of organ function differs markedly in the published literature.... read more

Effect of Decompressive Laparotomy on Organ Function in Patients with Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

Hemodynamic Support of Pediatric and Neonatal Septic Shock

Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Joseph A. Carcillo, MD, about the article, "American College of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Parameters for Hemodynamic Support of Pediatric and Neonatal Septic Shock," published... read more

Diagnostic Workup, Etiologies and Management of Acute Right Ventricular Failure

Right Ventricular (RV) function evaluation is key in the critically-ill patients for hemodynamic management, as fluid optimization, vasopressor strategy and respiratory support. RV failure may be diagnosed by the association... read more

Diagnostic Workup, Etiologies and Management of Acute Right Ventricular Failure

Hemodynamic Response After Rapid Sequence Induction With Ketamine in Out-of-Hospital Patients at Risk of Shock as Defined by the Shock Index

After ketamine induction, high shock index patients exhibited blunted hypertensive responses and more frequent hypotension, whereas low shock index patients had sustained increases in pulse rate and SBP. One hundred twelve... read more

Hemodynamic Response After Rapid Sequence Induction With Ketamine in Out-of-Hospital Patients at Risk of Shock as Defined by the Shock Index

Advances in Critical Care Management of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac surgery has been evolving to include minimally invasive, hybrid and transcatheter techniques. Increas‑ing patient age and medical complexity means that critical care management needs to adapt and evolve. Recent... read more

Advances in Critical Care Management of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery

Left Ventricular Unloading During Veno-Arterial ECMO

Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) is widely used in cardiogenic shock. It provides systemic perfusion, but left ventricular (LV) unloading is suboptimal. Using a closed-loop, real-time computer model... read more

Left Ventricular Unloading During Veno-Arterial ECMO

Prevention of Low Cardiac Output Syndrome After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Dobutamine and milrinone are safe, well tolerated, and equally effective in prevention of low cardiac output syndrome after pediatric cardiac surgery. The hemodynamic response of the two drugs is comparable. In uncomplicated... read more

Prevention of Low Cardiac Output Syndrome After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Choosing the Right Hemodynamic Platform

Choosing the Right Hemodynamic Platform: ABG, SV to PAC – Barbara McLean, MN, RN, CCNS-BC, NP-BC Barbara McLean, MN, RN, CCNS-BC, NP-BC Critical Care Clinical Specialist Critical Care Division Grady Health System... read more

Choosing the Right Hemodynamic Platform

Arterial Line Placement

Approximately eight million arterial lines are placed in the United States yearly. The main indication for arterial line placement is the need for close hemodynamic monitoring. The second-to-second blood pressure variations... read more

Arterial Line Placement

R.E.B.E.L. EM – Fluid Responsiveness and the Six Guiding Principles of Fluid Resuscitation

Fluid resuscitation is a crucial aspect of emergency and critical care. Since the advent of the concept of early goal-directed therapy, we have placed a huge emphasis on aggressive fluid resuscitation in patients with severe... read more

R.E.B.E.L. EM – Fluid Responsiveness and the Six Guiding Principles of Fluid Resuscitation

Advanced Hemodynamic and Cardiopulmonary Ultrasound for Critically Ill Patients

Focused echocardiography, advanced hemodynamic, and cardiopulmonary point-of-care ultrasound studies provide time-sensitive evaluation of critically ill patients, guiding and facilitating earlier implementation of life-preserving... read more

Advanced Hemodynamic and Cardiopulmonary Ultrasound for Critically Ill Patients

Sodium Lactate Improves Hemodynamics

Sodium lactate has been shown to improve hemodynamics and avoid fluid overload. The objective of this study was to confirm a beneficial effect on fluid balance with sodium lactate infusion and to specify whether the advantage... read more

Sodium Lactate Improves Hemodynamics

Pilot Feasibility Study of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Moderate to Severe ARDS

Neuromuscular blockade alone does not cause hypothermia but allowed acute respiratory distress syndrome patients to be effectively cooled. Results support conducting a randomized clinical trial of hypothermia in acute respiratory... read more

Pilot Feasibility Study of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Moderate to Severe ARDS

Predicting the Hemodynamic Response to Prone Positioning

Graphical models of physiology are heuristically appealing as they facilitate qualitative conclusions at the bedside of the critically ill. Historically, the Rahn diagram has portrayed the physiology of the lungs, chest wall... read more

Predicting the Hemodynamic Response to Prone Positioning

Prognostic Effect and Longitudinal Hemodynamic Assessment of Borderline Pulmonary Hypertension

Borderline PH is common in patients undergoing RHC and is associated with significant comorbidities, progression to overt PH, and decreased survival. Small increases in mPAP, even at values currently considered normal, are... read more

Prognostic Effect and Longitudinal Hemodynamic Assessment of Borderline Pulmonary Hypertension