Tag: NIH
COVID-19 Surges Increased Patient Mortality
A recent study by scientists at the National Institutes of Health suggests that one in every four COVID-19 deaths in the United States may be attributed to hospitals strained by surging caseloads. Published in the Annals... read more

Watchdog Group Calls for NIH to Halt Dangerous Study of Sepsis Treatment
A medical watchdog group is calling on the National Institutes of Health to immediately stop the enrollment of patients in a clinical trial of sepsis treatment and launch an investigation of how the study received approval,... read more
NIH Herpesvirus Study Leads to Discovery of Potential Broad-Spectrum Antiviral
Scientists studying how regulated herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection unexpectedly found that inhibiting EZH2/1 suppressed viral infection. The research group, from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases... read more

Clinical Sensors lands $1.5 million in NIH grants for sepsis work
Clinical Sensors, a startup based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, has been awarded two Small Business Research Grants from the National Institutes of Health. Together, the grants total $1.5 million and are earmarked... read more

Single IRBs in Multisite Trials
On June 21, 2016, the US government announced changes that are arguably the most significant of the last quarter century concerning the protection of human research participants - a requirement for use of central or single... read more

NIH Consortium to Study Biomarkers for Dementia
A new National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded consortium will work to identify and validate trial-ready biomarkers for small vessel diseases in the brain that contribute to cognitive impairment and dementia. Seven participating... read more

Doctor Turns Up Possible Treatment For Deadly Sepsis
It is hard not to get excited about news of a potentially effective treatment for sepsis, a condition that leads to multiple organ failure and kills more people in the hospital than any other disease. The study, from Eastern... read more

NIH $3.2 million Grant Funds Mobile Critical Care Recovery Program
Two million of the five million Americans admitted to intensive care units annually have or develop acute respiratory failure, predisposing them to long-term cognitive, functional and psychological impairments collectively... read more

Germ-zapping robots put to the test to combat hospital-acquired infections
The $2 million effort supported by the NIH's Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is the first of its kind to study no-touch room disinfection. Michigan researchers will look at the ability of high intensity ultraviolet... read more

First deep brain stimulation surgery on stroke patient
Cleveland Clinic performed the nation's first deep brain stimulation surgery on a stroke patient. This is part of an ongoing clinical trial that’s evaluating whether DBS can improve movement after a stroke. Only 10... read more