Tag: penicillin
Effect of ICU Quality Control Indicators on VAP Incidence Rate and Mortality
This study highlights the association between the ICU quality control (QC) factors and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) incidence rate and mortality. The process factors rather than the structural factors need to be... read more

Ranking antibiotics in order of allergenicity
Our current approach to allergy is primarily patient-based. This focuses on the patient’s prior history of reaction: how severe was it, when was it, how certain are we that it was truly allergic? This strategy has been... read more

Antibiotic Prescription Course
In July, The BMJ published an analysis article called "The Antibiotic Course has had it’s day" - a provocative title that turned out the garner a lot of debate on our site. The article said that the convention for the length... read more

Data from clinical registries can ID novel drug interactions
Data mining can be used to discover unknown drug-drug interactions in cardiovascular medicine, according to a study published online Nov. 8 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.... read more