Tag: pneumonia
COPD can increase risk of developing sepsis
People with COPD have a higher than average risk of developing lung infections, such as pneumonia, which then puts them at higher risk for developing sepsis. Sepsis and septic shock can result from an infection anywhere in... read more
Humidification During Mechanical Ventilation: A Systematic Review
Mechanical ventilation (MV) suppresses the mechanisms that heat and moisturise inhaled air; hence, humidification is mandatory during MV. However, a systematic review published in the journal Critical Care finds no clear... read more
The impact of oral care on oral health status and prevention of VAP in critically ill patients
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most common nosocomial infections which increase mortality rate and length stay of hospitalization. Oral care would not only improve patient’s oral health and well-being,... read more
Plasma metabolomics for the diagnosis and prognosis of H1N1 influenza pneumonia
Metabolomics is a tool that has been used for the diagnosis and prognosis of specific diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine if metabolomics could be used as a potential diagnostic and prognostic tool for H1N1... read more
Early Palliative Care in Advanced Illness
As the on-call pulmonary critical care fellow, I listened to a family member plead with me to "do right by Mama." The emergency department team consulted me for possible intensive care unit (ICU) admission on a... read more
Value-Based Reforms and the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program
In this longitudinal study of 2837 US hospitals between 2008 and 2015, we found that participation in 1 or more Medicare value-based reforms - including the Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records program, the Accountable... read more
A Call for Fresh Airway Management Standards
Anesthesiology News recently reported on a study that promoted the LMA in prone position to "avoid intubation, reduce use of relaxants and minimize airway trauma." This study reflects increasing confusion in a complex... read more
Perceived safety and value of inpatient "very important person" services
Providing care to "very important person" (VIP) patients can pose unique moral and value-based challenges for providers. No studies have examined VIP services in the inpatient setting. Through a multi-institutional... read more
Ultra-Short-Course Antibiotics for Patients With Suspected Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia but Minimal and Stable Ventilator Settings
Many patients started on antibiotics for possible ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) do not have pneumonia. Patients with minimal and stable ventilator settings may be suitable candidates for early antibiotic discontinuation.... read more
World's most threatening superbugs ranked in new list
The World Health Organization has drawn up a list of the drug-resistant bacteria that pose the biggest threat to human health. Top of the list are gram-negative bugs, such as E. coli, which can cause lethal bloodstream infections... read more
Sepsis Readmissions Compared With Other Medical Conditions
This study uses data from a US readmissions database to assess whether sepsis hospitalizations account for a higher proportion of unplanned 30-day readmissions than hospitalizations for acute myocardial infarction, heart... read more
New Infection Data and Sepsis-Guideline Critique at SCCM
The potential of probiotics to reduce nosocomial infections and ventilator-associated pneumonia in the critically ill and the latest data on readmissions will be among the major research advances presented here at the Society... read more
Best Conditions for Legionella Growth
Researchers have identified the optimal conditions for the growth of Legionella which causes a very serious, often deadly, type of pneumonia, Legionnaires' disease. Inspired by a number of large Legionnaires' outbreaks,... read more
The CAPCRI study on Semi-recumbent positioning
The CAPCRI study(3) conducted by Mireia Llaurado and her team had three aims: to evaluate real semi-recumbent position compliance and degree of head-of-bed elevation in Spanish intensive care units, to describe the relationship... read more
Therapy Implications for Immunomodulation After Ischemic Stroke
Despite significant advances towards a better understanding of the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke-induced immunosuppression and SAP in recent years, many unanswered questions remain. The true incidence and outcomes of... read more
The role of POC Diagnostics in Combatting Antibiotic Resistance
During the winter months, patients frequently present with respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing and fever that could be caused by one of several bacterial and viral infections including influenza, respiratory syncytial... read more
Pneumonia Rates Linked to Hospital Ventilators Have Not Dropped, Says Study
Contrary to data published by the CDC, a study led by a UConn Health researcher concluded that ventilator-associated pneumonia is still a significant risk to patients.... read more
A Simple Breath Test Can Spot Pneumonia And Lower Antibiotic Overuse
A simple test could be all physicians need to determine if they need to prescribe antibiotics.... read more
Polly Wanna Fever? Man’s Rare Infection Linked to Parrots
In the journal BMJ Case Reports, doctors describe the case of a 61-year old man with a number of pet birds who was diagnosed with parrot fever.... read more