Tag: PPV
A prediction model for nonresponsive outcomes in critically ill patients with ARDS undergoing prone position ventilation
In this study, a risk prediction model for nonresponse to prone position ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients was constructed, which demonstrated good predictive value and clinical utility. Early... read more
The Clinical Utility of MRSA Nasal Screening to Rule Out MRSA Pneumonia
Nares screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) had a high specificity and NPV for ruling out MRSA pneumonia, particularly in cases of CAP/HCAP. Based on the NPV, MRSA nares screening is a valuable... read more

IVCDV is not a reliable indicator of preload responsiveness
During mechanical ventilation with Vt = 6 mL/kg, the effects of passive leg raising (PLR) can be assessed by changes in pulse pressure variation (PPV). If inferior vena cava diameter (IVCDV) is used, it should be expressed... read more

A Novel Negative Pressure-Flow Waveform to Ventilate Lungs for Normothermic Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion
Ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) is increasingly used to treat and assess lungs before transplant. Minimizing ventilator induced lung injury (VILI) during EVLP is an important clinical need, and negative pressure ventilation... read more

Physiologic Assessment: Variation in Fluid and Vasopressor Use in Shock
The decision whether to give more fluid during the management of shock can be somewhat provider-dependent. This multicenter prospective cohort study evaluated 1639 patients with hypotension requiring vasopressors. The... read more

Fluid Responsiveness in a Hemodynamically Unstable Patient
Only half of patients who are hemodynamically unstable will respond to a fluid bolus. There are no historical or physical examination findings that can help us decide whether a patient is a fluid responder, but we must treat... read more

Use of ‘tidal volume challenge’ to improve the reliability of pulse pressure variation
Fluid loading is usually the first step in the resuscitation of patients with acute circulatory failure. Fluid responsiveness is defined as the ability of the left ventricle to increase its stroke volume in response to fluid... read more