Tag: qSOFA
Code Sepsis – Early Decompensation and Predictors
Early recognition and management of sepsis within the first hour of a sepsis alert is critical for patient survival, requiring healthcare providers to be trained to identify "red flag" symptoms like rapid breathing (tachypnea)... read more
Predicting Sepsis Outcomes – Efficacy of Early Warning Scores
In resource-limited settings, NEWS proved to be the most effective tool for early risk stratification in sepsis patients. Its adoption could significantly enhance sepsis management and improve outcomes in emergency departments... read more
Screening Tools for Sepsis Identification
The authors undertook a rapid review to determine the suitability of sepsis screening tools in the emergency setting with regard to sensitivity and specificity of sepsis diagnosis. The review recognized that there is currently... read more

Sepsis Prediction Model for Determining Sepsis vs. SIRS, qSOFA, and SOFA
In this cohort study of 60,507 hospital admissions, we found that although the SPM marginally outperformed existing prediction scores in balanced accuracy for classification of sepsis, it suffers from poor timeliness, limiting... read more

Validation of qSOFA as a Screening Tool for Early Identification of Sepsis Patients
Sepsis and septic shock are major healthcare problems, affecting millions of people around the world each year. The speed and appropriateness of therapy administered in the initial hours of treatment are likely to influence... read more

Alterations in qSOFA, SIRS, MEWS or NEWS Score Present in Half of Patients
Almost half of patients with a suspected infection experience a change in the score of qSOFA, SIRS, MEWS and/or NEWS during ED stay. Approximately half of alterations were from a normal to an abnormal score and half vice... read more

Early Identification of Disease Progression in Patients with Suspected Infection Presenting to the ED
In patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with a suspected infection, the blood biomarker MR-proADM could most accurately identify the likelihood of further disease progression. Incorporation into an early sepsis... read more

Are Antibiotics for Sepsis in One Hour Feasible in the ED?
In this single-center study, implementation of sepsis protocols designed to expedite bundle delivery resulted in only a small fraction of patients receiving antibiotics within 1 hour of triage. This study validates the... read more

qSOFA Performance Score as Prognostic Tool in Infected Patients Outside the ICU
A positive qSOFA score had high specificity outside the ICU in early detection of in-hospital mortality, acute organ dysfunction, and ICU admission, but low sensitivity may have limitations as a predictive tool for adverse... read more

Early Sepsis Screening in the Emergency Department
This single-center retrospective analysis shows promising results with NEWS as a screening tool primarily because it can be done at triage and does not require any laboratory evaluation. This study adds to the current knowledge... read more

Prognostic Accuracy of the Serum Lactate Level, the SOFA Score and the qSOFA Score for Mortality Among Adults with Sepsis
Sepsis is a common critical condition caused by the body’s overwhelming response to certain infective agents. Many biomarkers, including the serum lactate level, have been used for sepsis diagnosis and guiding treatment.... read more

Sepsis and Septic Shock – What Matters from EM Cases Course
In this podcast Dr. Sara Gray, intensivist and emergency physician, co-author of The CAEP Sepsis Guidelines, answers questions such as: How does one best recognize occult septic shock? How does SIRS, qSOFA and NEWS compare... read more

Lies, Damned Lies, and Sepsis Bundles
The Surviving Sepsis Campaign recently released an update to the bundles of care it recommends for "sepsis" patients. You may have heard of the three-hour bundle, which essentially means that you do a bunch of stuff (lactate,... read more

Association of the Quick Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) Score With Excess Hospital Mortality in Adults With Suspected Infection in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
In this retrospective secondary analysis of 9 diverse LMIC cohorts that included 6569 hospitalized adults with suspected infection, a qSOFA score greater than or equal to 2 was significantly associated with increased likelihood... read more

Assessment of Clinical Criteria for Sepsis
The Third International Consensus Definitions Task Force defined sepsis as "life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to infection." The performance of clinical criteria for this sepsis definition... read more

Diagnosis of Sepsis from a Drop of Blood by Measurement of Spontaneous Neutrophil Motility in a Microfluidic Assay
Current methods for the diagnosis of sepsis have insufficient precision, causing regular misdiagnoses. Microbiological tests can help to diagnose sepsis, but are usually too slow to have an impact on timely clinical decision-making.... read more

Sepsis-3, a New Definition. Solutions or New Problems?
Before we can discuss the "Sepsis-3" definitions, we need to look back at the history of Sepsis definitions, and what the rationale was leading the authors to create a new definition. Below is a brief, albeit non-exhaustive,... read more

On Diagnosing Sepsis
Two years ago, a panel appointed by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, referred to as a consensus conference, proposed a new definition for sepsis and new diagnostic... read more

Managing Sepsis and Septic Shock Current Guidelines and Definitions
While sepsis defies simple definition, it's generally understood to be a clinical syndrome caused by infection that may have profound adverse physiologic consequences. Although its precise incidence is unknown, sepsis is... read more

A Comparison of the qSOFA and SIRS Criteria for the Diagnosis of Sepsis and Prediction of Mortality
Several studies were published to validate quick-SOFA (qSOFA), namely in comparison with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria. We performed a systematic review and a meta-analysis with the aim of comparing... read more

New Sepsis Definition (Sepsis-3) and Community-acquired Pneumonia Mortality
qSOFA and CRB outperformed SIRS and presented better clinical usefulness as prompt tools for patients with community-acquired pneumonia in the emergency department. Among the tools for a comprehensive patient assessment,... read more

Evaluating the Validity of Sepsis-3 Criteria in the Emergency Department
In this multicenter prospective cohort study involving 879 patients with suspected infection treated at the emergency department, the qSOFA was better at predicting in-hospital mortality with an area under the receiver operating... read more