RSNA attendees warned by FBI about the threat of radiation theft from hospitals

FBI and Department of Energy reps briefed a room full of RSNA attendees in Chicago last week about a growing litany of concerns ranging from disgruntled medical employees stealing radioactive materials, to patients setting... read more

RSNA attendees warned by FBI about the threat of radiation theft from hospitals

Physicians at RSNA make case for contrast enhanced ultrasound

The procedure, which was OK'd by the FDA this year for liver screening, but is currently not approved in the U.S. for cardiac disease shows particular value in imaging children who may otherwise have to undergo a CT... read more

Physicians at RSNA make case for contrast enhanced ultrasound

Tech Doc: Ultrasound changing how physicians diagnose at your bedside

Ultrasound is a high frequency sound, too high for humans to hear. Medical ultrasound or ultrasonography uses these high frequency sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside the body.... read more

Tech Doc: Ultrasound changing how physicians diagnose at your bedside