Tag: therapy
Review: Stem Cell Tx for Heart Failure Not Ready Yet
Heterogeneity in methods for trials of stem cell therapies for heart failure are a big reason for the inconsistent results seen to date, a review article suggested.... read more
Earlier Renal Replacement Therapy for AKI? Not So Fast, Says Dr Berns
The AKIKI study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine; ELAIN was published in JAMA. If you have not read them, you should, if for no other reason than that your colleagues are likely to ask about them.... read more
Is Timing Really Everything With RRT?
For years we have been told that early interventions result in better patient outcomes. Early cardiac catheterization results in more preserved myocardial function.... read more
Occupational therapy reduces hospital readmissions, research finds
A recent study has found that 30-day readmission rates for heart failure, pneumonia, and acute myocardial infarction were improved with the help of occupational therapy.... read more