Metabolic-based Biomarkers Have Potential to Triage Children with Sepsis

Metabolic-based Biomarkers Have Potential to Triage Children with Sepsis

A new study has validated potential biomarkers for a sepsis-triage model to distinguish sepsis patients requiring care in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) from sepsis identified in the pediatric emergency department... read more

Get Ready for a Massive Influx of Untriaged Patients

Get Ready for a Massive Influx of Untriaged Patients

When a mass casualty incident occurs, emergency physicians are quickly thrust onto the front lines. That is precisely what happened on October 1st at Sunrise Emergency Department in Las Vegas the night Stephen Paddock opened... read more

Is this critically ill patient elderly or too old?

Is this critically ill patient elderly or too old?

Life expectancy is increasing in industrialized countries. It is forecast that in the European Union 24.4 million people will be older than 85 years in 2040, more than doubling from the 10.4 million seen in 2010. In parallel,... read more

Rapid Retriage of Critically Injured Trauma Patients

Rapid Retriage of Critically Injured Trauma Patients

Critically injured patients presenting to nontrauma hospitals require timely transfer to trauma centers; however, the transfer process varies and differences in outcomes for patients from trauma centers are unknown. We evaluated... read more

Effect of Systematic ICU Triage on Long-term Mortality Among Critically Ill Elderly Patients

Effect of Systematic ICU Triage on Long-term Mortality Among Critically Ill Elderly Patients

Among critically ill elderly patients in France, a program to promote systematic ICU admission increased ICU use but did not reduce 6-month mortality. Additional research is needed to understand the decision to admit elderly... read more

Medicine is the most emotional profession

Medicine is the most emotional profession

Medicine is the most emotional profession. This story proves it. There you are in your father’s arms. He is practically running to keep up with the triage nurse. The nurse is walking quickly toward the room that we leave... read more