Tag: ventilators
Heart and Lung Damage for COVID-19 Patients
While the focus of the COVID-19 pandemic has been on respiratory problems and securing enough ventilators, doctors on the front lines are grappling with a new medical mystery. In addition to lung damage, many COVID-19... read more

U.S. May Get More Ventilators But Run Out Of Medicine For COVID-19 Patients
As hospitals across the country fill with COVID-19 patients, medical personnel are sounding the alarm about shortages of drugs essential to those patients' care. "We have seen an increase in demand on pharmaceuticals that's... read more

Rationing of Critical Care and Ventilators in COVID19
In many hospitals ventilators have become a scarce or non-existent resource in the face of the COVID19 pandemic. We need a ethical structure to allocate ventilators and other scarce resources. ... read more

Inside a South Korean COVID-19 ICU
In a South Korean ICU, nurses wearing heavy self-contained respiratory systems work two-hour shifts. South Korea has seen a great success mitigating its large COVID-19 outbreak. South Korea has 12.3 hospital beds per... read more

Clinical Decision Support Systems: Future or Present in ICU?
Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are today, a reality. More complex, useful systems will be developed in the near future, forging CDSS an essential part of ICU monitoring. However, we need to understand the algorithms... read more

Penn Medicine Shortens ICU Stays with Real-time Data
Leveraging real-time data streams from its EHR platform, Penn Medicine has created a dashboard and alerting system to speed the process of getting ICU patients breathing on their own. Many patients in hospital intensive care... read more

ICU ventilators overused among advanced-dementia patients
Mechanical ventilation may be lifesaving, but in certain patient cases it may prolong suffering without a clear benefit. JAMA Internal Medicine published a study of 635,008 hospitalizations of nursing-home patients with advanced... read more

Tomorrow’s ICU
Johns Hopkins clinicians and engineers are creating a model for a safer, less costly and more productive clinical unit that can be adopted anywhere. With clinicians spending less time on documenting and gathering supplies,... read more

Face Mask vs Helmet for Noninvasive Ventilation
In Reply Drs Taccone and Chiumello state that physicians must understand the helmet’s physiologic behavior in terms of CO2 rebreathing to ensure safety. Neurological impairment led to intubation in 5 of the 8 intubated... read more