Finding the Best Strategy to Improve Weaning Outcomes

Respiratory muscle dysfunction, being a common cause of weaning failure, is strongly associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation (MV) and prolonged stay in intensive care units. Strategies to improve weaning outcomes... read more

Finding the Best Strategy to Improve Weaning Outcomes

Clinicians’ Perceptions of Rationales for Rehabilitative Exercise in a Critical Care Setting

Rehabilitative exercise for critically ill patients may have many benefits; however, it is unknown what intensive care unit (ICU) clinicians perceive to be important rationale for the implementation of rehabilitative exercise... read more

Clinicians’ Perceptions of Rationales for Rehabilitative Exercise in a Critical Care Setting

Comparison between a nurse-led weaning protocol and weaning based on physician’s clinical judgment in tracheostomized critically ill patients

In this pilot RCT we demonstrated that a nurse-led weaning protocol from tracheostomy was feasible and safe. A larger RCT is justified to assess efficacy. We enrolled 65 patients, 27 were in the protocol group and 38 in the... read more

Comparison between a nurse-led weaning protocol and weaning based on physician’s clinical judgment in tracheostomized critically ill patients

Can this patient be safely weaned from RRT?

The timing of initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the critically ill with acute kidney injury (AKI) has been widely studied and discussed in detail recently. However, there is limited information and few recommendations... read more

Can this patient be safely weaned from RRT?

Terminal weaning or immediate extubation for withdrawing mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients

This prospective observational multicentre study (ARREVE) was done in 43 French ICUs to compare terminal weaning and immediate extubation, as chosen by the ICU team. Terminal weaning was a gradual decrease in the amount of... read more

Terminal weaning or immediate extubation for withdrawing mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients

Low Levels of Physical Activity During Critical Illness and Weaning

Physical rehabilitation can benefit critically ill patients during ICU admission, but routine clinical practice remains inconsistent nor examined in prolonged mechanical ventilation patients transferred to a specialist ventilator... read more

Low Levels of Physical Activity During Critical Illness and Weaning

Clinical review: The ABC of weaning failure

About 20% to 30% of patients are difficult to wean from invasive mechanical ventilation. The pathophysiology of difficult weaning is complex. Accordingly, determining the reason for difficult weaning and subsequently developing... read more

Clinical review: The ABC of weaning failure