A Systematic Review of the Incidence and Outcomes of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrests in Patients with COVID-19
Approximately, one in 20 patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019 received resuscitation for an in-hospital cardiac arrest. Hospital survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest within the ICU was higher than non-ICU locations and seems comparable with prepandemic survival for nonshockable rhythms.
Although the data provide guidance surrounding prognosis after in-hospital cardiac arrest, it should be interpreted cautiously given the paucity of information surrounding treatment limitations and resource constraints during the pandemic.
Further research is into actual causative mechanisms is needed.
Eight studies reporting on 847 in-hospital cardiac arrest were included.
In-hospital cardiac arrest incidence varied between 1.5% and 5.8% among hospitalized patients and 8.0–11.4% among patients in ICU.