Admissions Trends, Resource Use, and Risk-adjusted Hospital Mortality for Elderly Patients Admitted to ICUs
Over the past two decades, elderly patients have been more commonly admitted to ICU than can be explained solely by the demographic shift. Importantly, as with the wider population, outcomes in elderly patients admitted to ICU are improving over time, with most patients returning home.
The annual number, trends, and outcomes for patients across four age bands admitted to ICUs contributing to the Case Mix Programme Database from 1997 to 2016 were examined.
Case mix, activity, and outcome were described in detail for the most recent cohort of patients admitted in 2015–2016.
Between 1997 to 2016, the annual number of admissions to ICU of patients in the older age bands increased disproportionately, with increases that could not be explained solely by general U.K. demographic shifts.