Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2 Polymorphisms and Susceptibility of Severe COVID-19

Science is digging for the varied presentation of COVID-19 patients exposed to the same risk factors, and medical conditions may be influenced by the presence of polymorphic genetic variants. This study investigated the link between ACE2 gene polymorphisms and the severity of SARS-CoV-2.

This cross-sectional study recruited COVID-19 PCR-positive patients by consecutive sampling from Ziauddin Hospital from April to September 2020.

DNA was extracted from whole blood, followed by gene amplification and Sanger’s sequencing.

Most of the patients, 77: 53.8%, were serious. Males were higher (80; 55.9%) with age more than 50 years (106: 74.1%).

We found 22 ACE2 SNPs. rs2285666 SNP was most prevalent with 49.2% CC, 45.2% TT, 4.8% CT heterozygosity, and 0.8% AA genotypes.

Variants with multiple genotypes were also insignificantly associated with the severity of COVID-19 in the analysis of the dominant model.

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