Antibiotics, Immunosuppressive Drugs and the Downfall of the Human Immune System
Today I’ll discuss two more factors that can debilitate the human immune system (allowing the microbiome to better cause disease). They are antibiotics (when used too frequently) and immunosuppressive drugs: two of the most common medical interventions of our time. Most of us are familiar with antibiotics. By immunosuppressive drugs I mean medications like Humira, Prednisone, Ritauximab, and Enbrel. These and similar drugs block or disable parts of the human immune response in an effort to temporarily palliate inflammatory symptoms.
It’s important to note that most antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs were developed before mainstream science “discovered” the human microbiome around the year 2005. In other words, they were created/formulated during a period when the human body was assumed to be largely sterile.