Anticoagulation Post-Discharge in Patients Hospitalized Secondary to COVID-19
This study contains interesting data that could contribute to the standard of practice when treating patients after hospitalization for COVID-19. However, use caution when applying the results of this study. Several problems raise concern, including the open-label design coupled with the high percentage of protocol violations, as not every patient received diagnostic imaging.
These issues introduce bias and limit the generalizability of the results.
Several RCTs have investigated the benefit of anticoagulation in patients with COVID-19 in various clinical settings.
The INSPIRATION Trial investigated outcomes with an intermediate vs. standard prophylactic dose of anticoagulation in ICU patients.
A multiplatform trial and HEP-COVID Trial investigated therapeutic anticoagulation in critically ill and non-critically ill hospitalized patients.
The ACTIV-4B Trial investigated anticoagulation in symptomatic COVID-19 patients who did not require hospitalization.