Ciprofol Sedation Efficacy and Safety in Mechanical Ventilated ICU Patients
Ciprofol was well tolerated, with a noninferior sedation profile to propofol in Chinese ICU patients undergoing MV for a period of 6–24 hours.
Of the 135 patients enrolled, 129 completed the study.
The primary endpoint-sedation success rates of ciprofol and propofol groups were 97.7% versus 97.8% in the full analysis set (FAS) and were both 100% in per-protocol set (PPS).
The noninferiority margin was set as 8% and confirmed with a lower limit of two-sided 95% CI for the inter-group difference of –5.98% and –4.32% in the FAS and PPS groups.
Patients who received ciprofol had a longer recovery time (p = 0.003), but there were no differences in the remaining secondary endpoints (all p > 0.05).