Closed Chest Compressions in Traumatic Cardiac Arrest![closed-chest-compressions-in-traumatic-cardiac-arrest](
This study demonstrated that fluid resuscitation with whole blood is significantly better than resuscitation with compressions alone or with normal saline. It further showed that there was no difference between whole blood only resuscitation versus compressions plus whole blood resuscitation. The animals underwent three cycles of resuscitation. They were randomized into five groups: Group 1 closed chest compressions only, group 2 whole blood, group 3 saline, group 4 whole blood plus compressions, group 5 saline plus compressions. 39 pigs were endotracheally intubated and sedated. After which the pigs received three shots to the thigh from a captive bolt and underwent a controlled hemorrhage (30% of their blood volume). They were kept at a MAP of 45mmHg for 60 minutes.