Defining COVID-19 Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis
The reported prevalence of CAPA in ICU patients with COVID-19 varies greatly by study and may be related to surveillance protocols and inconsistent definitions which may inflate the prevalence of this complication.
Further research should refine COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) definitions and identify patients most likely to benefit from pre-emptive antifungal therapy.
51 studies were included.
Among 3,297 COVID-19 patients in ICU cohort studies, 313 were diagnosed with CAPA.
277 patients had patient-level data allowing reclassification.
Definitions had limited correlation with one another with the exception of Koehler and Verweij.
33.9% of patients reported to have CAPA did not fulfill any research definitions.
Patients were diagnosed after a median of 8 days (interquartile range 5-14) in ICUs.
Tracheobronchitis occurred in 3% of patients examined with bronchoscopy.
The mortality rate was high (59.2%).
Applying CAPA research definitions did not strengthen the association between mould-active antifungals and survival.