Delphi Approach to 5-level Priority Triage Systems
This study proposes a standard of 49 outcomes divided into two sets tied to red and orange priority respectively, to be used when evaluating 5-level priority triage systems; Lund Outcome Set for Evaluation of Triage (LOSET).
The proposed outcomes include diagnoses, interventions and laboratory results. Before widespread implementation of LOSET, prospective testing is needed, preferably at multiple sites.
This study included a panel with expertise evident through their experience with triage, their diverse and relevant backgrounds, and the richness of suggestions for outcomes.
There is no clear consensus on the panel size in Delphi studies, but our size of 18 is in accordance with Clayton who recommends groups of 15–30 panelists if the group is heterogeneous such as ours.
The fact that all experts were from Sweden could limit the results’ transferability to other countries.