Depth of Anesthesia in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Under Extracorporeal Circulation
In children undergoing cardiac surgery in our department, the use of sevoflurane-balanced anesthesia during cardiopulmonary bypass showed no superiority of inhalational agents over total intravenous anesthesia with opioids and benzodiazepines preventing phases of superficial anesthesia, but a marked advantage for the postoperative ventilation time compared with total intravenous anesthesia.
No significant differences were observed in descriptive patient characteristics (age, body weight, height, and body temperature) between the two groups.
Further, no significant differences were found in depth of anesthesia by analyzing phases of superficial B1-C2-electroencephalography Narcotrend data.
No marked difference between the groups was observed for the duration of postoperative intensive care unit stay.
Data from heart-lung machine protocols from 2013 to 2016 were compared according to anesthetic regimen.