Different Anticoagulation Regimens Effectiveness in Critically Ill Patients
journals.lww.comThis study compared the efficacy of therapeutic anticoagulation guided by anti-Xa levels vs. a D-dimer-based protocol in ICU patients with COVID-19.
Given the heightened risk of thrombosis despite anticoagulation therapy in some cases, we hypothesised that anti-Xa measurement improves anticoagulation effectiveness and clinical outcomes in this population.
We retrospectively analysed data from ICU patients at COVID Hospital Karaburma between April 2020 and December 2021.
The primary outcome was the incidence of failed noninvasive ventilation necessitating intubation. Secondary endpoints included mortality rates, thromboembolic and bleeding complications, and anticoagulation effectiveness assessed by antifactor Xa activity.
The analysis included 395 patients – 137 in the anti-Xa group and 258 in the D-dimer group.
The D-dimer group showed a higher rate of failed noninvasive ventilation requiring intubation (65.7% vs. 50%, P = 0.009).
The overall mortality was 48.3%, significantly higher in the D-dimer group (52.7%) compared to the anti-Xa group (40.1%, P = 0.02).