Early Mobilization in the PICU
Mobilization of critically ill children, many with central lines, endotracheal tubes, and other life-saving devices, is associated with potential risks and complications. Hence, concerns about safety often guide staff perceptions about PICU mobility. These complications may include, but are not limited to, hemodynamic instability, accidental tube or line dislodgement, falls, pain, and anxiety. However, multiple studies have reported that early mobilization of critically ill children is safe when appropriate precautions are taken and levels of mobility are suitable for the level of acuity. Although the interest in early mobilization of pediatric patients is increasing, large-scale studies are still lacking. Synthesizing the current data suggests that early mobilization is safe, feasible, and can be employed in a variety of pediatric critically ill populations.
Early mobilization in the PICU is gaining momentum but still lacks large randomized control trials and functional and psychological outcome data. Evidence suggests that mobilization of critically ill children is safe and feasible, but studies are still needed to ascertain both physical and psychological outcomes. Modifying the PICU culture to minimize sedation, recognize delirium, and promote mobilization will improve the survivorship of our critically ill pediatric patients.