Functional Dependence Following ICU-treated Sepsis

Sepsis survivorship was associated with a broad range of new impairments and led to functional dependence in around one quarter of patients.

Targeted measures are needed to mitigate the burden of this Post-Sepsis-Syndrome and increase the proportion of patients that achieve functional improvements.

We conducted a prospective cohort study including sepsis survivors who had been discharged from five German intensive care units (ICUs), until 36 months post-discharge.

Primary outcome was functional dependence, defined as ≥1 impaired activity of daily living (ADL; 10-item ADL score <100), self-reported nursing care dependence or nursing care level. Secondary outcome was post-sepsis morbidity in the physical, psychological or cognitive domain. We used a multistate, competing risk model to address competing events in the course of dependence, and conducted multiple linear regression analyses to identify predictors associated with the ADL score.

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