How to be EPIC in the COVID-19 Era

Evolution is afoot. It’s entirely possible you have noticed somewhat of an alteration in the world around us. A pandemic—the downwind effect of a miniscule strand of RNA and its lollipop-studded shell, a savage little virus that took a wrong turn out of a market somewhere—has uprooted all we know, and everything is awash with change.

So too our role. A few years ago, I wrote a piece on how to be EPIC, the emergency physician in charge in our ED. Well, we’ve had a makeover.

Where we used to dress like obedient socialists, now we are wrapped in layers, rendering us even more carbon-copied, anonymous, and sweatier than ever before.

Like most hospitals, we’ve divided our ED into two streams: dirty/clean, COVID-suspect/non. Ours is called ARIZe.

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