ICU Care Improved with Conflict Management Education
Stressful by nature, the intensive care unit (ICU) inevitably faces conflicts due to immediate and cohesive action from physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and advanced practitioners. In an effort to help improve the ICU’s taxing environment, a team of investigators has created a conflict management education intervention, which was released at the 2018 CHEST Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX. Specifically, the team focused on 4 main objectives that included “diagnosing” the conflict type and cause, recognizing internal dialogue, introducing conflict management modes used in conflict situations, and developing self and other awareness. From 56 participants, these 3 data points were collected, which resulted in varying samples sizes for each analysis. Forty-five participants were included in the pre-posttest analysis, and 49 participants were included in the Thomas-Kilmann descriptive statistics.