ICU Survivors Have a Substantial Higher Risk of Developing New Chronic Conditions Compared to a Population-Based Control Group
ICU patients have more chronic conditions during the year before ICU admission compared with a population-based control group and a five times higher odds on developing one or more new chronic conditions compared with the control group. Due to the high prevalence of chronic conditions and the increased risk of developing new chronic conditions ICU follow-up care is advised and may focus on the identification and treatment of the new developed chronic conditions. To this end, further research on the relation of ICU related factors and development of chronic conditions after ICU discharge is essential. After hospital discharge, many ICU survivors suffer long-term complaints as part of the Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) leading to financial difficulties, restrictions in societal participation and decreased quality of life. Recent studies have shown that ICU patients have increased healthcare costs and increased hospital admissions before their ICU admission. ICU patients (n = 56,760) have more chronic conditions compared with the control group (n = 75,232) during the year before ICU admission (p < 0.0001). After case-mix adjustment ICU patients had a higher risk of developing chronic conditions, with odds ratios ranging from 1.67 (CI, 1.29–2.17) for asthma to 24.35 (CI, 14.00–42.34) for epilepsy, compared with the control group.