Imatinib in COVID-19: Hope and Caution
Despite the undoubted progress achieved with the first vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect thousands of people across the globe, particularly in those countries where vaccination is still incipient or the resources available to deal with the virus are scarce.
In addition to this serious situation, we are faced with the challenge of managing new cases in subgroups of fully vaccinated people who have a high risk of developing severe COVID-19.
As a result, the search for potential treatments against COVID-19 continues, seeking to identify therapies with antiviral activity or capable of modulating the increased, and not always predictable, inflammatory response observed in some patients.
In this regard, the repurposing of drugs previously approved for other conditions remains a major strategy in the fight against the virus.
This search should not only focus on safe and effective molecules, but also on those that are easy to administer, and whose manufacturing and distribution costs contribute to reducing resource inequities, especially in low-income countries, in order to preserve the health of the most disadvantaged patients.