International Council of Nurses #NursesForPeace Campaign
As the war in Ukraine continues and the death toll of victims rises, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) repeats its call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to hostilities for the sake of the people of Ukraine and peace in our time.
It is apparent from what we see on our television screens and the regular calls we are having with the Ukrainian Nurses Association that the effects of the war are devastating: innocent people are being killed, their families torn apart, homes and hospitals are being destroyed.
The only civilized way forward is a peace accord that will cement a long-term deal and save the lives of countless more innocents who ─ through no fault of their own ─ are caught up in devastation and horror.
ICN’s #NursesforPeace campaign is gaining momentum, and the funds already collected are now being distributed to nurses on the ground in Ukraine via the Ukrainian Nurses Association and the nursing associations of friendly neighboring countries, including Moldova, Slovakia, Romania and Poland.