Intravenous Vitamin C Administration to Septic Shock Patients
Our pilot study indicated that intravenous vitamin C did not provide significant decreases in the mean dose or duration of vasopressor infusion. Further research that takes into account the potential impact of intervention timing, dose and duration, and location of trial, may provide more definitive evidence.
Median plasma vitamin C concentrations were deficient at baseline and increased to 408 µmol/L following 72 h of intervention.
The mean duration of intravenous vasopressor infusion in the vitamin C group was 48 (95% CI 35–62) hours and in the placebo group was 54 hours.
The dose of vasopressor delivered over time was comparable between the two groups, as were SOFA scores.
This was a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial in 40 patients with septic shock who were randomised (1:1) to receive intravenous vitamin C or placebo for up to 96 h, or until death or discharge.