Meaning of Intracranial Pressure-to-Blood Pressure Fisher-Transformed Pearson Correlation-Derived Optimal Cerebral Perfusion Pressure

These mechanistic simulations provide insight into the empiric basis of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure and the significance of PRx and Δ CPP. PRx and optimal cerebral perfusion pressure deviations do not directly reflect changes in cerebral autoregulation but are, in general, related to the presence of complex states involving well-described clinical progressions with raised intracranial pressure. In regard to targeting optimal cerebral perfusion pressure, a shift in mean blood pressure or mean intracranial pressure with no change in mean blood pressure, with intact cerebral autoregulation, impacts optimal cerebral perfusion pressure. In this report, we use the lumped compartmental model of brain circulation physiology and CA, with its system operating CPP, to assess PRx and calculated CPPOpt.

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