New Insights: Mortality in Nosocomial Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
mdpi.comThis multicenter, multinational study conducted in Europe and Latin America sheds light on the clinical landscape of nLRTI, which continues to be an essential issue in the context of critical care.
We provide insights into the higher mortality risk associated with this condition and its risk factors, finding significant differences between non-invasive ventilated and invasive-ventilated patients in the critical care setting.
These results highlight the necessity of moving beyond a one-size-fits-all approach, advocating instead for personalized strategies that consider patient severity, demographics, and the specific characteristics of the infection.
Early identification of at-risk patients is essential for guiding targeted therapeutic efforts to improve outcomes.
Future studies focusing on the distinct groups identified by the ENIRRI group could further refine risk stratification, enabling a more precise and personalized approach for these homogeneous yet distinct patient populations.